vendredi 05 de avril
SS - ENG 07
14:05 - 15:05 Area_09
Gender and Diversity
#0474 | Migratin Mothers from children with disabilities in Germany. The role of the local infrastructur and from virtual communities of care.
Bárbara Zimmermann
1 - Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst (HAWK) - College for applied sciences and arts in Holzminden, Germany.
#0602 | A Critical Feminist Policy Evaluation of Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) Programs
Jocelyn Hermoso
1 - San Francisco State University.
#1198 | A gendered perspective on the access to services of Ukrainian refugees in Romania
Florin Lazar
Smaranda Witec
1 Darie Cristea 1 Laura Grunberg 1  
1 - University of Bucharest, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work.
#1257 | Applying a Trauma-Informed Policy Analysis Framework to  Programs Addressing Gender-based Violence  
Sonia Melara
Jocelyn Hermoso
1 - San Francisco State University.