vendredi 05 de avril
SS - ENG 14
14:05 - 15:05 Sub_17c
C. Health/Mental Health
#0051 | Associations Between Parenting Style and Psychological Well-Being in Children and Adolescents Aged 8-14 Years in Singapore
Kareen Tonsing
1 - Oakland University.
#0136 | Adapting an Evidence-Based Psycho-educational Intervention for Namibian Adolescent Girls Affected by HIV and AIDS: A Qualitative Study Design and Preliminary Findings
Nicole Bromfield
Janetta Ananais
1 - University of Houston; University of Namibia. 2 - University of Namibia.
#0336 | Evaluating the impact of a training program for mental health service providers in universities: an integrated knowledge transfer perspective
Jianguo Gao
1 - Shandong University, China.
#0915 | Re-authoring Disenfranchised Grief Using Narrative Therapy: Powerful Metaphors from “White Eyes” to “True Love”
Yuk Yee Lee
1 Jing Yang 2  
1 - UOW College Hong Kong. 2 - Department of Sociology, Guizhou University.