In order to deal with various social problems, there has been increasing interest in policies and programs promoting volunteer activity among citizens in Japan. The local governments in Japan attempt to promote community participation and engagement such as volunteer work and non-profit organizations among citizens.This study is based on a survey questionnaire conducted among 4000 people from 20 to 80 years old who is currently living in Fukui city, Japan in March 2019. 4000 respondents were selected randomly. Valid responses were 1236, 30.9% of the total informants. The data on this survey was analyzed quantitatively to investigate a correlation between two elements on volunteer activities (participation experience and intention) and three elements on the way of interest in social problems (perception of the existence of social problems, selfish tendency, sociological imagination). This study shows that selfish tendency closely with the participation and intention in volunteer activities. Citizens with a strong selfish tendency do not participate in volunteer activities and they do not have a willingness to participate. Lack of economic, temporal and spiritual margin strengthens selfish tendency. Citizens who have sociological imagination can relate social problems to personal events. They have extensive participation experience and intention. On the other hand, just recognizing the existence of social problems can not lead to the participation and intention in volunteer activities.The study’s results suggest that in order to recruit participants in the volunteer activities it will be effective to reduce social disparity and cultivate sociological imagination.
Mots clés (séparés par des virgules)
volunteer activities, interest in sosial problems, questionnaire survey, statistical analysis
Desde el 2015 la Fundación Diabetes Uruguay viene asistiendo a los Centros Educativos y Deportivos dictando capacitaciones sobre Diabetes y vida saludable para todos.Surge como una imperiosa necesidad por parte de los propios adolescentes y jóvenes, que padecen la realidad del desconocimiento sobre la condición de vida que ellos tienen, la Diabetes, tanto de los docentes, como funcionarios del centro educativo/deportivo, de sus pares en la clase y de la comunidad toda. Se elaboró un material para poder explicar lo que es la Diabetes, los tipos, tratamientos, causas, consecuencias de una diabetes sin control y la presentación de las Guías de atención a las personas con Diabetes en los centros educativos y deportivos. En estos talleres interactivos también se promociona la incorporación de hábitos saludables, alimentación saludable y la realización de la actividad física, vitales éstos para no sólo evitar el desarrollo de Diabetes tipo 2, sino de otras enfermedades no trasmisibles como enfermedades cardiovasculares, pulmonares y algunos cánceres.Estos talleres son siempre bien recibidos por toda la comunidad, se presentan los conceptos de forma sencilla y amigable para todas las edades, procurando concientizar que el estado de salud y el bienestar en un altísimo porcentaje, depende de cada uno de nosotros; siempre tendremos alternativas para acercarnos al camino saludable presentado y si es en familia ? mucho mejor.Se han realizado estos talleres también junto a la Administración Nacional de Educación Pública (ANEP) y Secretaría Nacional del Deporte (SND), para la formación de los docentes (maestros, docentes y profesores de educación Física) de todo el país.
Mots clés (séparés par des virgules)
Diabetes, guías, ANEP, SND, docentes, vida saludable, tipos de diabetes, enfermedades no trasmisibles
#0687 |
Bayanihan ‘Spirit of Community’: Reconnecting to culture and fostering cultural wellbeing among the Filipino diaspora in Western Sydney, Australia
There are 89,445 people from the Filipino diaspora in Western Sydney, Australia (Australia Bureau of Statistics, 2016). Acculturative stress and depression is prevalent among the Filipino community across generations despite their long stay in Australia. The author highlights the importance of fostering social support and discusses the Filipino term of ‘Bayanihan’ meaning ‘spirit in community’ and the development of new community-led initiative Bayanihan, a grassroots community group that was developed in 2022 to address these issues.
Mots clés (séparés par des virgules)
Filipino diaspora, western sydney, grassroots community development, culture, filipino culture, community development, mental health, cultural wellbeing
#0927 |
Itineraries of Popular Education in Brazil and Chile: the influences of Paulo Freire and Ernani Fiori in Social Work
The objective of the exploratory study is to present Popular Education through the influence of Ernani Fiori and Paulo Freire in Social Work in Brazil and Chile in the Reconceptualization Movement. Before Freire, in the 1950s, Ernani Fiori already laid the foundations for a pedagogy of liberation, focusing on the autonomy of popular knowledge. Paulo Freire is known worldwide as the first systematizer of the “popular education method”. In 1962, in the construction of the Institute of Popular Culture in Porto Alegre, under the presidency of Fiore, the partnership with Freire was consolidated, who understood the Chilean exile until Fiore's death (1985). In 1967, Fiori took on academic activities as vice-chancellor at the Catholic University of Chile, at a time of strong student mobilization for education reform (Beca, 2013). He also writes the preface “Learning to say his word” in the book Pedagogy of the Oppressed. As a result of the study, we identified that both Brazilian educators were teachers in Social Service schools (Porto Alegre and Recife) and worked together with Social Workers in the fight against illiteracy and in the democratization processes with the segments of favelados and peasants. In the study, we identified the influences of Ernani Fiori and Paulo Freire in the Reconceptualization Movement based on popular education explained in the IV Latin American Seminar on Social Work, in 1969 (Concepción-Chile), with the theme of the event called “El Servicio Social Latinoamericano learns to say his word”.
Mots clés (séparés par des virgules)
Paulo Freire, Ernani Fiore, Popular Education,Social Work