The objective is present the proposal of Critical Social Gerontology, a current structuredin Brazil, based on the Critical Theory of the Ethical-political Project of Social Work.According to which it understands aging as a process that is the result of individual andsocial life, deeply marked by social inequalities of class, gender, race, ethnicity, amongothers, thus showing the heterogeneity of aging. The following assumptions are adopted:contemplate, in theoretical-methodological analysis, the historical movement of socialrelations of capitalist production and reproduction; approach old age as a socialproduction, as in modern society this analysis is related to the socio-metabolic order ofcapital reproduction; contextualize ‘health x illness’, associated with pauperization, ofold workers: expression of the social issue and the vision of totality against the rationalityof capital. This Symposium is expected to socialize the discussion of Critical SocialGerontology, aiming to build a network of knowledge production (research) andexchange of knowledge about aging, which becomes increasingly urgent given that theworld population tends to live more and more. It can be seen, from now on, that the humanbeing in his most advanced stage is an elderly person and, therefore, in order for him todevelop his potential, it is necessary that his life is valued socio-intellectuallyeconomicallyin full, that is, that the Arriving at an advanced age represents a growth inconsideration and influence in society due to the experience that only years can give tosomeone. Thus, as social work works to guarantee social and human rights, aninternational mobilization with a scientific methodology and excellent logistics can bestructured and inaugurated from this symposium, making the international integration ofsocial workers gain more weight in contemporary times, when ultra-neoliberal
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The proposal of Critical Social Gerontology: contributions to the debate on thetheory and practice of Social Work\ Alexandra Mustafá