Saturday 06 de April
SS - ENG 08
15:50 - 16:50 Area_17
k. Human Trafficking / B. Homelessness
#0560 | Hidden Voices in the Tenderloin District
Edson Cano
Carlos Arredondo
1 Jazmin Vasquez 1
Fernanda Davila
1 Victoria Ortiz 1  
1 - San Francisco State University.
#0583 | The criminal justice system: Upholding justice or failing trafficked children in South Africa?
Ajwang' Warria
1 - University of Calgary.
#0862 | Academic Challenges, Campus-Level Protective Factors, and Health-Related Service Utilization Among College Student Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence
Lindsay Gezinski
1 Julia O'Connor 2 Rachel Voth Schrag 3 Leila Wood 4  
1 - University of Utah. 2 - University of Central Florida. 3 - University of Texas at Arlington. 4 - The University of Texas Medical Branch.