viernes 05 de abril
09:00 - 09:40 Actividad Plenaria / Plenary Activity
Anayansi Theater / Teatro Anayansi
09:50 - 10:30 Actividad Plenaria / Plenary Activity
Anayansi Theater / Teatro Anayansi
10:40 - 11:20 Actividad Plenaria / Plenary Activity
Anayansi Theater / Teatro Anayansi
11:30 - 12:30 Poster Presentation
1 - Democracia, Derechos Humanos, Construcción de la Paz y Justicia Ecosocial
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch
ATLAPA Islands Room / Salón Islas de ATLAPA - The Global Social Services Workforce Alliance
14:05 - 15:05 Presentation of the Global Agenda
Global Agenda
Antoinette Lombard - International Association of Schools of Social Work(IASSW)
Professor Tapio Salonen - International Council on Social Welfare(ICSW)
Professor Shajahan P.K - International Council on Social Welfare(ICSW)
15:05 - 16:05 Sub_17c
ICSW North East Asia Symposium: Social Actions for Supporting Mental Health in the Communities
#0366 | ICSW North East Asia Symposium: Social Actions for Supporting Mental Health in the Communities
Fen-Ling Chen
Soung-yee Kim
Tsz Man Chan
Pei-Yuen Tsai
1 Sukh-Ochir Batchuluun 4
Shih-Yu Chu
Jui-Chi Keng
1 - The Council of Social Welfare, Taiwan. 2 - Korea National Council on Social Welfare. 3 - New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association. 4 - Mongolian united association for social welfare. 5 - Child Welfare League Foundation.
16:10 - 17:10 Area_03
Enganging Social Workers in Global Advocacy at the UN for Justice
#0327 | Engaging Social Workers in Global Advocacy at the UN for Justice
Shirley Gabel
Lynne Healy
Rebecca Thomas
Martha Bragin
1 - Fordham University. 2 - University of Connecticut. 3 - Hunter College, CUNY.
#0329 | Fighting poverty (SDG 1) through the UN High-level Political Forum 
Shirley Gabel
1 - Fordham University.
#0530 | Social Work Advocacy at the United Nations to Challenge Global Inequality: Looking Back and Preparing for the Future
Lynne Healy
1 - University of Connecticut.
#0539 | Strategies to protect the rights of migrants
Rebecca Thomas
1 - University of Connecticut-Hartford Campus.
#1217 | Envisioning Wellbeing: An empowering strategy enabling communities to design, monitor and evaluate psychosocial programs to designed to heal and transform from violence and disaster
Martha Bragin
1 - Silberman School of Social Work, Hunter College, CUNY.
17:10 - 18:10 Area_03
Mandates, interventions and extremism - perspectives on the intersection between Politics and Social Work in Germany and Switzerland
#0399 | Mandates, interventions and extremism - perspectives on the intersection between Politics and Social Work in Germany and Switzerland 
Matthias Kachel
Tobias Kindler
2 Eva Maria Loeffler 3
Katrin Degen
1 - BayWISS Promotionskolleg Sozialer Wandel / Graduate School "Social Change" at the Bavarian Academic Forum. 2 - Ostschweizer Fachhochschule / Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. 3 - Technische Hochschule Köln / Köln University of Applied Sciences. 4 - Georg Simon Ohm University of Applied Sciences Nuremberg; University of Bamberg, BayWISS Promotionskolleg Sozialer Wandel / Graduate School "Social Change" at the Bavarian Academic Forum.