jueves 04 de abril
SS - ENG 07
13:40 - 14:40 Area_01
Democracy, Human Rights, Peace-building and Eco-social Justice
#0945 | Preparing Diverse Leaders for Global Social Work Practice through joint social action
Stephanie Nti
1 Yasoda Sharma 2  
1 - Monmouth University. 2 - Kutztown University of Pennsylvania.
14:45 - 15:45 Area_01
Democracy, Human Rights, Peace-building and Eco-social Justice
#0822 | Using Study Abroad to Facilitate Cross-Cultural Collaboration that Fosters Immigrant, Asylum Seeker, and Refugee Integration in Costa Rica
Xan Boone
Carrie McCRacken
1 - University of Cincinatti. 2 - Viva Nicaragua Abroad.
#0955 | Grace and Gratitude in Eco-Spiritual Social Work: Insights from Won Buddhism
Sungsim Lee
1 Terry Northcut 1  
1 - Loyola University Chicago.
#0957 | Social development and socio-ecological transition. Can they go hand in hand?
Sebastien Savard
1 Dominic Foisy 2
Denis Bourque
1 - University of Ottawa. 2 - Université du Québec en Outaouais.
#1204 |  Constructing research emancipated from the hegemonic rationality of the social protection system: for a friendly dialogue of social workers with the whole of society
Fanny Calvez
1 - Université de Montréal.
15:50 - 16:50 Area_01
Democracy, Human Rights, Peace-building and Eco-social Justice
#1185 | Human Rights and Social Justice: Experience-Based Approaches in Global Social Work Education
Greta Kaempf
Katie Lopez
1 Ashley Cureton 1 Rogerio Pinto 1  
1 - University of Michigan.
#1205 | The Nexus of Psychosocial Wellbeing and Peace Education in Post-Conflict Settings: Insights from Dadaab Refugee Camp
Hyojin Im
1 - Virginia Commonwealth University.
#1231 | Multifaceted integration of human rights in the curriculum: Applying the Four Schools Curricular Integration Inventory (FSCII)
Corlie Giliomee
1 - University of Pretoria.
16:55 - 17:55 Area_01
Democracy, Human Rights, Peace-building and Eco-social Justice
#0101 | The Rise (and Fall?) of the Term Self-Determination in German Sexual Education since 1970
Ralf Müller
1 - IU International University Nürnberg.
#0145 | Reconnoitering Social Work as a Human Rights and Anti-Oppressive Profession in India
1 - Department of Social Work, Delhi University, India.
19:30 - 19:45 Inauguration Dinner