This research seeks to understand the democratic crisis from a reflection on the capitalist system and the repercussion of this conception in the professional performance of social workers. The capitalist system causes obstacles to the practice of full citizenship; thus, the expressions of the social question condition and reduce political participation. Therefore, the objective is to study the current democratic crisis as a political expression of the class structure and to identify the reflexes in the professional practice. Thus, in line with the study, it is necessary to understand Democracy, interpreting it as something alien to capitalism, which does not correspond to the conditions of political life created in this system, reflecting on the cultural composition of a "false democracy". In addition, in recent years, with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic around the world and the advancement of neoconservadorism in Brazil, driven by the Bolsonaro government’s necropolitical project (2019-2022), the fragility of the democratic process becomes more evident, as well as precariousness, depoliticization and lack of criticality in the various fields of work of social workers. Having said that, it is fundamental to develop an investigation on the indicators that show the situation of the social workers' labor activity, contextualized in this framework of correlation of antagonistic forces, thus recognizing a culture of democracy fostered by liberalism as a structural impasse in the operationalization of the ethical-political project, aiming at overcoming the condition of the profession as an active part in maintaining the status quo.
Palabras Clave (separar con comas)
Democracy, Capitalism, Citizenship, crisis, ethical-political project, social workers.