samedi 06 de avril
SS - ENG 07
11:50 - 12:50 Area_16
Social Services Workers' Working Conditions
#0231 | Factors that sustain and/or threaten professional identity in social work: Findings from a scoping review. 
Bernadette Moorhead
1 Kyoko Otani 2 Riki Savaya 3 Karen Bell 1 Nicola Ivory 1 Wendy Bowles 1 Mary Baginsky 4  
1 - Charles Sturt University. 2 - Nihon Fukushi University. 3 - Tel Aviv University. 4 - Kings College London.
#0836 | Challenges of keeping children connected with their families during the Pandemic: insights from foster parents and child welfare workers 
Sarah Maiter
1 Ssewanyana Derrick 2 Daniel Kikulwe 1  
1 - York University. 2 - University Of Toronto.
#1189 | Obstacles in the social work career path: how to support well-being and commitment?
Sirkka Alho
1 - Jyväskylä University.
#1209 | Sharing an interdisciplinary leadership training model to strengthen the workforce supporting people with neurodevelopmental disabilities
Matthew Bogenschutz
1 - Virginia Commonwealth University.