samedi 06 de avril
SS - ENG 06
11:50 - 12:50 Sub_17a
A. Child / Family Welfare / Child Protection
#0292 | Since 2020, child welfare referrals have increased exponentially within the UK, alongside a reduction of students  qualifying in social work. Is social work under threat?
Jill Davey
1 - Edinburgh Napier University.
#0428 | Economic Cost of Social Services in Child Protection: An Aggregated Estimation - The Case of Aruba
Favienne Thode
Clementia Eugene
1 - University of Aruba.
#0640 | Social Work in Child Protection: Exploring the Role of Play Therapy
Keisha Tomlinson
1 - Child Protection and Family services agency.
#0904 | Child Protection Through the Covid-19 Pandemic: The Experience of the Child Protection and Family Services Agency, Jamaica
Warren A. Thompson
1 - Child Protection and Family Services Agency, Jamaica.