samedi 06 de avril
SS - ENG 07
15:50 - 16:50 Sub_17l
L. Migration, Seeking Refuge and/or Asylum
#0046 | Factors contributing to mental health and well-being of Burmese refugee youth
Kareen Tonsing
Jenny Tonsing
2 Martha Vungkhanching 3  
1 - Oakland University. 2 - Appalachian State University. 3 - California State University Fresno.
#0048 | Attitudes Towards Mental Health and Mental Health Help-Seeking Among Burmese Refugees 
Jenny Tonsing
Kareen Tonsing
1 - Appalachian State University. 2 - Oakland University.
#0633 | Transnational Child Migration: Promising Practices from South Africa
Ajwang' Warria
1 - University of Calgary.
#0698 | Historicizing the profession to respect diversity and advocate for social action in the profession - Access to abortion under socialism and the role of social work
Sara Pistotnik
1 - University of Ljubljana.