Saturday 06 de April
12:20 - 12:50
School and neighborhood combine efforts towards citizenship
#1214 |
School and neighborhood combine efforts towards citizenship development
Jolanda Berends
1 - Hogeschool Utrecht - University of Applied Sciences Utrecht.
In the Netherlands primary schools received in 2005 the assignment to train children in citizenship skills. However, children move between the three so-called habitats: school, neighborhood and home, each with their own rules and agreements. It seems to be difficult for the child to practice the trained civic skills outside school. Therefore, formal education is not the only responsible environment to train these skills. This PhD study develops feasible interventions to work on the interprofessional cooperation between the practitioners of the neighborhood (social welfare professionals) and the teachers at the primary schools to jointly contribute to the citizenship development of children in primary school age. In this workshop, I will present the initial results of the PhD research. Furthermore, I would like to share with the attendees local experiences on citizenship development and reflect together on interventions on interprofessional cooperation within the socio-educational field.
Keywords (separate with commas)
Citizenship development, Civic skills, Interprofessional cooperation, Education, Neighborhood, Social welfare work, Democracy, Peacebuilding,