sábado 06 de abril
09:00 - 09:40
Actividad Plenaria / Plenary Activity
Anayansi Theater / Teatro Anayansi
09:50 - 10:30
Actividad Plenaria / Plenary Activity
Anayansi Theater / Teatro Anayansi
10:40 - 11:10
G. Universidad Abierta para mayores: un informe sobre la extensión universitaria en tiempos de pandemia
11:10 - 11:40
Redefining Joint Social Action Through Epistemological Connections with Trans Latina Immigrants
#0613 |
Redefining Joint Social Action Through Epistemological Connections with Trans Latina Immigrants
Luis Alvarez-Hernandez
Maria Bermudez
1 - Boston University.
2 - University of Georgia.
Social workers often discuss the lives of Latinas in the context of broad cultural values such as marianismo. Marianismo is linked to Catholicism and patriarchal values that reinforce traditional gender scripts for women. Although Latina feminists have challenged these values for decades, social workers must deepen their understanding of the lives of Chicanas and Latinas through critical theories and their use of self. From this perspective, mujeristas and Chicana feminists who emphasize liberative work, often use the term comadres, or comothers, to explore Latinas’ roles and relationships. The distinction between the traditional motherly role of marianismo and the collaborative and empowering role of comadres was evident in our feminist-informed study about the lived experiences of trans Latina immigrants who are activists and agents of change in their Southern United States communities. The participants generated change by moving from a selfless marianista position to a comadre role where they cared for each other.As Latinx qualitative researchers, we started to see ourselves and our loved ones reflected in the participants’ narratives. Hence, we decided to engage epistemologically with the transcripts of our conversations with them. We wondered how our understandings of gender roles, the Latina feminisms theoretical literature, and our participants’ experiences expanded our conocimiento about marianismo and comadrazgo. How did these conversations with trans Latina immigrants contributed a non-cisnormative perspective to Latina feminisms? How were these women reconceptualizing gender roles through the potentially liberative role of madres and comadres? How can we as practitioners and researchers redefine joint social action through epistemological connections? Through this process, we started to develop our theoretical understandings of these relationships using reflexive conversations. In this workshop we will encourage an open discussion about the use of self and how the lived experiences of marginalized participants connect with critical theories and social action.
Palabras Clave (separar con comas)
transgender, immigrants, social action, Southern United States, Chicana feminism, Latina feminism, epistemology
11:50 - 12:20
Indigenous Peacemaking practices to promote resiliency, wellbeing, and stability with diverse populations.
#0618 |
Indigenous Peacemaking practices to promote resiliency, wellbeing, and stability with diverse populations.
Brett Shelton
Candy Madrigal
1 - Native American Rights Fund.
2 - Fresno State University.
Indigenous dispute resolution practices, sometimes called peacemaking or circle processes, are being recovered and reinstituted in some countries that originally sought to assimilate indigenous populations into the mainstream settler-colonial populations, like the United States and Canada. The philosophies and strengths of the settler-colonial model and indigenous models for dispute resolution are grounded in vastly different worldviews. As a result of this difference, the benefits and optimal uses of each system are also very distinct. Work done primarily among United States- and Canada-based tribal nations can be a model to inform recovery of similar processes among other indigenous populations. This includes populations wherever they exist in other nation-states, worldwide. Potential applications can also occur with migrant populations of indigenous individuals from other countries, when sufficient essential cultural commonalities exist among the population, such that the community could benefit from utilizing circle methods based on their own shared values in areas where the potential benefits of such processes are apparent. This workshop will describe how some indigenous nations within the United States are breathing new life into their traditional ways to address differences, by employing peacemaking or circle processes methods into contexts where they see the most potential benefit. While it is important for successful implementation that each community develops its own models and processes, certain broad commonalities that exist across wide-ranging cultural differences will be explained.Various possible uses of circle processes and known places where circle processes have been implemented by indigenous communities within modern nation-states will be explained. Participants will be able to better identify when and how circle processes might enhance available services in various settings such as child welfare, public health, and mental health-centered contexts.
Palabras Clave (separar con comas)
indigenous, peacemaking, circle practices, child welfare, mental health, public health, resilience, well-being,
12:20 - 12:50
School and neighborhood combine efforts towards citizenship
#1214 |
School and neighborhood combine efforts towards citizenship development
Jolanda Berends
1 - Hogeschool Utrecht - University of Applied Sciences Utrecht.
In the Netherlands primary schools received in 2005 the assignment to train children in citizenship skills. However, children move between the three so-called habitats: school, neighborhood and home, each with their own rules and agreements. It seems to be difficult for the child to practice the trained civic skills outside school. Therefore, formal education is not the only responsible environment to train these skills. This PhD study develops feasible interventions to work on the interprofessional cooperation between the practitioners of the neighborhood (social welfare professionals) and the teachers at the primary schools to jointly contribute to the citizenship development of children in primary school age. In this workshop, I will present the initial results of the PhD research. Furthermore, I would like to share with the attendees local experiences on citizenship development and reflect together on interventions on interprofessional cooperation within the socio-educational field.
Palabras Clave (separar con comas)
Citizenship development, Civic skills, Interprofessional cooperation, Education, Neighborhood, Social welfare work, Democracy, Peacebuilding,
12:50 - 14:00
ATLAPA Islands Room / Salón Islas de ATLAPA - Women's Interest Group
14:00 - 14:30
Poster Presentation
14:40 - 14:55
Creative Arts
Programa Articulación Población en Situación de Calle, Organizaciones y Universidad: la experiencia de docencia-investigación-extensión a través de sonidos e imágenes
#1385 |
Programa Articulación Población en Situación de Calle, Organizaciones y Universidad: la experiencia de docencia-investigación-extensión a través de sonidos e imágenes
María Fernanda Escurra
Julia Fraga de Jesus Menezes
Yasmin da Silva
Ana Beatriz Rezende da Silva Gabry
Ana Beatriz Ribeiro Costa
Andressa Lopes Sales
Antonio Reguete Monteiro de Souza
Thayná Cristina Dos Santos Ramos
1 - Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro.
2 - Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro0.
El video, con duración de tres minutos, presenta la experiencia del Poyecto Prodocencia “Contribución para el fortalecimento del Centro de Referencia Especializado para Población en Situación de Calle Centro Pop Bárbara Calazans: una instancia de articulación docencia-profesión en el área de Trabajo Social”, ejecutado, desde junho de 2022, en el ámbito del Programa Articulación Población en Situación de Calle, Organizaciones y Universidad. Ese Centro Pop se encuentra localizado en el centro de la ciudad de Rio de Janeiro y forma parte de la 1ª Coordenadoria de Asistencia Social, de esa Secretaria Municipal de la ciudad de Rio de Janeiro. El proyecto está vinculado a la Faculdad de Servicio Social de la Universidad del Estado de Rio de Janeiro, cuenta con cinco estudiantes becarios y una \ voluntaria.\ El video presenta el equipo responsable, objetivos, actividades realizadas, metodologia, resultados, instagram y contacto. El relato y las imágenes seleccionadas permiten ilustrar algunas actividades, mostrando la riqueza de la experiencia. Entre las actividades realizadas se destacan: reuniones sistemáticas en la UERJ y en el Centro Pop; observaciones participantes y visitas semanales a la institución; diálogos y acciones con profesionales y usuarios; realización de cursos; organização de eventos; lecturas de textos, discusiones y elaboración de resúmenes; organización de campañas (Noviembre Negro, Campañas de donación); establecimiento de alianzas y desarrollo del Instagram del programa.La relevancia de esta experiencia se relaciona al hecho que permite articular de forma concreta la formación profesional con el mercado de trabajo, además de proporcionar la asociación antes mencionada entre docencia-investigación-extensión, dando visibilidad a una manifestación estructural de la cuestión social que alcanza con particularidades específicas inumerables ciudades brasileras, así como a países del mundo entero en el contexto de la dinámica capitalista contemporánea.
Palabras Clave (separar con comas)
Articulación, Población en Situación de Calle, Organizaciones, Universidad, Políticas Sociales, Pobreza.
14:55 - 15:10
Creative Arts
Co-creating Experiences Through the Use of Arts in Social Work
#0221 |
Co-creating Experiences Through the Use of Arts in Social Work Education
Jo Redcliffe
1 - University of Texas Rio Grande Valley.
Social work education faces increasing pressure from a range of stakeholders including citizens who use services, regulatory bodies and the media to demonstrate that newly qualified social workers are competent and uphold public trust (Munro, 2011; Rees and Raithby, 2012). While social work education and practice draw on similar traditions in theory and practice, there are important differences in the international and institutional frameworks within which they operate. This presentation illustrates some of these differences through a focus on social work education provision in one university. Drawing on the experience and views of the student participants, we examine the benefits of creative approaches that promote citizen involvement and suggest how European traditions can contribute to this process. We define key terms and summarise the literature, followed by presentation of the results and identification of the key learning. We identify that emancipatory models of education can encourage recognition of learners’ different strengths and can help to assist social work students’ readiness for practice. Finally, the need for cost-benefit outcomes research into if and how citizen coproduction influences subsequent service delivery is acknowledged.
Palabras Clave (separar con comas)
social work, social pedagogy, citizen involvement, student assessment, creativity.
15:10 - 15:25
Creative Arts
Evaluación: Hacia una práctica efectiva en Trabajo Social.
#1586 |
Evaluación: Hacia una práctica efectiva en Trabajo Social.
Elizabeth Miranda
1 - Inter American University of Puerto Rico..
Evaluación: hacia una práctica efectiva en trabajo social\ presenta una discusión exhaustiva, técnicamente sólida, fácil de usar y completa sobre la metodología de investigación de un solo sistema. Enfatiza la importancia del análisis de la situación, la definición del problema para luego pasar al establecimiento de metas y objetivos.Este proceso requiere el uso de la evidencia científica para diseñar una práctica basada en evidencia, lo cual se explica en detalle, ya que constituye una herramienta fundamental en el desarrollo del plan de intervención psicosocial.Esta obra explica los diseños de un solo sistema en sus diversas modalidades con ejemplos gráficos. Se describen los diversos instrumentos de medición que pueden usarse con ejemplos para su implementación. Varios capítulos están dedicados al análisis de los resultados de la recogida de datos, así como al análisis visual y estadístico de los mismos.En su contenido hay circunstancias o problemas hipotéticos en términos de individuos y familias, incluyendo ejemplos de su aplicación a grupos terapéuticos, en los cuales se recomienda un análisis individual de sus participantes.Combina conocimientos teóricos con orientación práctica, convirtiéndose en una referencia que integra el enfoque basado\ en evidencia a la práctica para una mejor calidad en la prestación de servicios. En el contenido del libro se presenta el diseño de sistema único, para la evaluación del progreso del problema o situación atendida en cada persona.La autora aborda consideraciones éticas y la complejidad hacia la confidencialidad, el consentimiento informado y la sensibilidad cultural en el proceso de evaluación, equipando a los trabajadores sociales con el conocimiento necesario para afrontar estos desafíos éticos. A través del texto se promueve el pensamiento crítico alentando a los lectores a lidiar con diferentes puntos de vista sobre las metodologías de evaluación.\
Palabras Clave (separar con comas)