Culturally Adapted Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CaCBT) is an evidence-based psychotherapy protocol that has been shown to be as effective as standard medication for the treatment of depression, anxiety, insomnia, chronic pain, and other common health problems. The model was recently adapted to be responsive to the needs of diverse cultures and communities. The CaCBT protocol was developed through qualitative research; whereby participants included Social Workers, health professionals (including mental health therapists) clients with diagnoses of anxiety and/or depression, and their caregivers. This practical, skill-based training has been used to train Social Workers and other mental health professionals across Canada. This is the first time it will be introduced into a global space. Social Workers and other professionals will be able to learn about CaCBT and sign up for virtual training with the presenter who is one of the few Master Trainers for CaCBT. The presentation will include an overview of the protocol and a brief education simulation. At the end of the session, participants will have the opportunity to provide feedback and share how they may implement the CaCBT training within their own communities across the world. Discounts for virtual training will be used as an incentive to encourage engagement and participation. \
Palabras Clave (separar con comas)
Culturally Adapted, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, evidence-based, psychotherapy, protocol, health, mental health, anxiety, depression, social work, social work education, skills-based, training, research, knowledge transfer, virtual training, Canada, Global, social development, diversity, inclusion.