In the Latino population, there has been a 50% increase since 2000 for adolescent males and a 56% increase among adolescent females attempting suicide (Villatoro et al, 2014). Research indicates that cultural norms such as familismo, machismo, maranismo, la vergüencia, el que dirán, and respeto, can act as obstacles for some families to look for help outside the family (Hsu et al., 2013).\ \ Not talking about the tragedy, discouraging family members from seeking support, and lack of ability to cope with negative life events are predictors of suicide risk in Hispanics (Chang et al., 2010). The presentation will feature data and a film written from the qualitative interviews held with Latino survivors of suicide loss (SOSL). The interviews provided the basis for the development of a cinematic approach to increasing understanding and awareness of the traumatic process of dying by suicide. Using themes from the interview, a 12-minute film.\ Art has a way of captivating an audience and spark conversations on sensitive topics. Films can help spread awareness of mental health, suicide, and emotional pain. Conversations on emotional pain may be a challenge in some cultures. The Narrative Engagement Framework can draw an audience in with sensitive topics (Miller \& Hecht, 2014). The characters' story of pain, suffering, and loss sheds light on societal and cultural views of healing. \ It may also help to increase awareness of personal biases and beliefs. Objectives:Art and the Narrative Engagement Framework can captivate an audience and start conversations about stigma and cultural norms that hinder the healing journey for Latino Survivors of Suicide Loss (SOSL). Be able to analyze how film may aid in culturally shifting responses to prevent further trauma for bereaved survivors.Films can raise awareness of unconscious behavior affecting individuals, families, and communities. Create culturally sensitive therapies for Latino Survivors of Suicide Loss.\
Palabras Clave (separar con comas)
Culture, Traumatic Grief, Art, Sensitive Topics, Begin the Conversation, Healing, Latino population.\