Thursday 04 de April
SS - ENG 09
15:50 - 16:50 Area_03
Social Movements, Social Activism and Advocacy
#0152 | Electoral Knowledge: What do University Students Understand about Elections, Voting, and Voting Rights?
Mary Hylton
1 - Salisbury University.
#0225 | The Power of Feminist Popular Education: Women’s Transformations in Colombia’s Armed Conflict and Peacebuilding Context 
Marleny Bonnycastle
1 Laura Sarmiento-Marulanda 2 Laura Pulido-Herrera 2  
1 - University of Manitoba. 2 - Universidad de La Sabana.
#0330 | Exploring social work’s engagement with menstruation.
Belinda Cash 1 Karen Bell 1
Bernadette Moorhead
1 Heather Boetto 1 Nicola Ivory 1  
1 - Charles Sturt University.
#0369 | Strengthening Women Human Rights Advocacy, Legislative Action for Women In Conflict with the Law and Capacity-building for Feminist Paralegal Services
Mae Fe Ancheta-Templa
1 - Holy Child Colleges of Butuan.