Thursday 04 de April
SS - ENG 13
16:55 - 17:55 Area_07
Postcolonial / Decolonial / Indigenous / Emancipatory Approaches
#0202 | Raising the indigenous voice in the profession of social work: The constant challenge of competing forces in time, place and space.
Miriama Scott
1 - Tangata Whenua Social Workers Association.
#0444 | Lore and Law: The Tension Between Indigenous Lore and Non-Indigenous Law in the Social Work Profession
David McNabb
Miriama Scott
1 - Lifewise. 2 - Tangata Whenua Social Workers Association.
#0483 | Exploring the needs of Calgary's urban Indigenous youth across the gender-identity spectrum in relation to programming and services to support sexual health, identity and belonging
Natalie St. Denis 1
Hayley Brillion
1 Olivia Cullen 1 Meaghan Finnbogason 2 Richard Williams 1 Kirby Redwood 3 Taylor Behn-Tsakoza 1
Christine Walsh
1 - University of Calgary. 2 - Miskanawah. 3 - Mishkanawah.
#0903 | Ubuntu as an Ethic of Responsibility to Support Others - a Reflective Framework for Ubuntu Practitioners
Warren A. Thompson
1 - Child Protection and Family Services Agency, Jamaica.