Thursday 04 de April
SS - ENG 10
15:50 - 16:50 Area_03
Social Movements, Social Activism and Advocacy
#0408 | “No seminar taught us that, we teach it to ourselves” – civics education in Social Work study programmes in Germany
Matthias Kachel
1 - BayWISS Promotionskolleg Sozialer Wandel / Graduate School "Social Change" at the Bavarian Academic Forum.
#0830 | Personal Narrative as Shaping Social Activism of Religious Woman in Israel
Ayelet Makaros
Edith Blit-Cohen
1 - Louis and Gabi Weisfeld School of Social Work in Bar – Ilan University. 2 - Paul Baerwald School of Social Work and Social Welfare..
#1062 | Exploring the Changing Role of Social Class in Social Work Scholarship and its Implications for Activism and Advocacy: A Relational Content Analysis
Karl Johnson
1 Vikash Kumar 1  
1 - Northern Michigan University.
#1120 | Re-positioning Social Work Knowledge Construction for the Future
Jennifer Hedges
1 Gianinna Muñoz Arce 2 Minna Zechner 3  
1 - University of Manitoba. 2 - Universidad de Chile. 3 - University of Helsinki.