jeudi 04 de avril
SS - ENG 06
14:45 - 15:45 Area_01
Democracy, Human Rights, Peace-building and Eco-social Justice
#0253 | Integrating Human Rights into the Social Work Curriculum to reduce inequality and respect diversity
Shirley Gatenio Gabel
Susan Mapp
1 - Fordham University. 2 - Elizabethtown College.
#0430 | Human Rights, Enhancing Resilience, and Forced Migration
Nicole Dubus
1 - San Jose State University.
#0471 | Democratic processes in social work research
Lars Uggerhoej
1 - Aalborg University.
#0490 | Towards an integral strategy to mitigate Energy Poverty in Europe: the potential role of social work 
Karin Landsbergen
1 Koen Dortmans 1 Erik Jansen 1  
1 - HAN UAS.