Two decades ago there was considerable progress in the decentralized provision of Brazilian Social Policy. This paper deals with the importance of SUAS (Single Social Assistance System) workers as structuring collective subjects in the institutionality of the Public Social Assistance Policy in Brazil.Our study arena is the Social Assistance Policy which, constitutionally regulated, has been redefining and professionalizing its way of working, thus designing functions and roles, methodologies with physical structure, logistics, political-administrative dynamics, institutional relations, management design, permanent education, funding and shared responsibilities among federal entities; that, specialized and with standardized technical and methodological requirements, face the demands of facing the social question in the Brazilian reality, materializing the state's protective capacity of this public policy. It is important to emphasize the work of the Social Worker and the interdisciplinary relationship with other predominant professions in SUAS (Educator, Psychologist, Social Educators, etc.)This paper identifies the place of Social Work within this structural change, in the design and construction of social assistance policy, considering, for this, a constant relationship with a dynamic and complex reality, a field of dispute with various actors and ideologies, which demands an ethical-political conception of these workers, the defense of their professional projects considering, as Potyara(2011:204) tells us, the “contradictory nature of social policy, which demands a dialectical posture from its actors, I understand it in its dynamic not linear and complicit with the correlation of forces in society” which, in times of great political setbacks and in the contradictions inherent in reality, demands from Social Work not the mere execution of punctual and fragmented actions, but a safe positioning, from the place of robust knowledge , conclusive and substantiated that qualify public management in the fight to guarantee social rights and for the qualified offer of continuous and sustainable services.
Keywords (separate with commas)
Social Worker, \ Social Policy