In this paper reflect about Neglect like violence. According to Minayo (2006) and Muchembled (2014) violence, in its etymology, comes from the prefix Vis, which means "strength" and "vigor", taking the idea of a crude, irritable human being. Of a complex, plural and pluridetermined nature, it has been present in the history of humanity since its beginning, making itself present through power struggles, hatred, desire for the annihilation of others. Based on the literature on the subject (WIEVIORKA, 1997; FERRAZ, 2000; PRADO, 2004; MINAYO, 2006, 2009, 2013; MAGALHAES, 2012; MINAYO, ASSIS, 2017).It is possible to list some characteristics of this phenomenon, such as:• It is a human and social factor, present in all societies, in different ways;• It is a historical phenomenon, but also a changing one, designating different realities according to time, places and circumstances, despite the fact that some violence may persist over time, extending to all societies;• It is comprehensive and therefore reaches all classes and social segments. However, some expressions are more common in less favored classes, while others in more economically favored classes;• It is a social and personal construction, and therefore, it is within each individual.Negligence, abandonment or deprivation of care – This is the absence, refusal or desertion of necessary care for those who require special attention and care (MINAYO, 2013). Common in two phases of life: teenagers, being described by mistreatment, malnutrition, school delay, and other risks to life such as burns, being run over, ingestion of toxic products, sexual abuse, etc.;The first place in the ranking of situations that reach CREAS(Fonseca, 2019), the Judiciary and health units are situations of neglect throughout the national territory. It is important not to confuse the impoverishment of a large part of Brazilian families with negligent or omissive attitudes.
Keywords (separate with commas)
Neglect, violence